Millenium City Gurgaon has turned into a sin city. It is sinster to read the morning newspaper splashed with a fresh gangrape headline almost everyday. For Gurgaon has indeed turned into a rape city.
With women being bundled everynight in a moving car, raped and dumped like used tissue paper is sickening. It is frightening for the womenfolk who have to stay out late to earn their daily bread.
Social groups have started campaigns for a safer Gurgaon. Candle-light vigils are the order of the evening. All to wake up a somonolent administration.
In the last one year Gurgaon has witnessed around 50 case of rape and molestation. The city has suddenly turned unsafe.
Urbanization has been forced upon Gurgaon. The population with the maximum purchasing power is either migrant techie or neo-rich. With real estate prices zooming skyward the rural populace has suddenly come into money. Lots of money. A breed of rich, namely the real estate agent has surfaced. This land-laced money is splurged sinfully in pubs and fast cars. Reckless living often gets translated into a sinful lifestyle.
There is no inner city in Gurgaon. The rural-urban divide is illusory. Pockets of village lie strewn across chunks of skyscrapers and malls. The rural populace is force into a close encounter with a damn-care urban rich and young. There is a culture clash. Signs and signals are misread. Then sex crime happens. The culprits of two the most recent gangrapes had a rural profile and many of them were unemployed.
There is high density of malls in Gurgaon. Pubs and discotheques abound here. Liquor flows unhampered. Sahara mall, the site of most crimes in recent times, has the maximum number of liquor dens. Escort girls are easily available. So it doesn't take much to take that step which leads to rape.
Liquor is most easily available across the street corner in Gurgaon. From country made stuff being sold in small kiosks to branded ones in bigger , glittering shops, it is the same story the city over. Easy liquor availabilty translates into unrestrained behaviour.
With its pubs and discotheques, Gurgaon has become the most desirable nightspot. People from Faridabad and even Delhi come to swill liquor and shake a leg in night. This fun-loving mobile population is often a catalyst to the sinmongers.
So it this volatile mix of money, booze, youth and unbridled fun that has been taking its toll on the women of Gurgaon.
Very True