Aamir Khan's show Satyamev Jayate has brought the malpractices of the Indian medical fraternity to the fore. Not that the problem was not addressed before by anyone on some public forum or another.
But this time the celebrity quotient has made the difference.
Aamir has made his point forcefully.
The problem boils down to the doctor-drug manufacturer nexus. It's a question of cheap generic drugs versus expensive branded drugs. It's a question of life and death of the patient. The poor patient.
United States has recently passed a legislation to break this doctor-drug manufacturer nexus. Nothing of this sort seem to happen in India.
The Medical Council Of India has put into place some rules to break this nexus but the problem is implementation of these measures in the absence of a watchdog.
Indian Medical Association has also laid down guidelines to prevent doctors hobnobbing with the drugmakers. But no avail. Both parties continue thier merrymaking and the patients are the sufferers.
Drug business is a lucrative business. It has strong lobby in the government. Policies are guided by these lobbies and interests. It is only when the public pressure is built on the government that the government will shape laws to stem the rot and protect patient-consumer interets.
Aamir Khan has done just that. His show has kickstarted a debate which should be taken up by citizen groups and social activits and build pressure on the government to change the law of the land in favour of the suffering patient.